Table 1 Corrects the temperature and Proof of Alcohol blends to 60°F.
Distillers must keep in mind that Table 1 can only be used directly to correct the temperature and Apparent Proof of Alcohol blends to 60°F ONLY in the special case where both temperature and Apparent Proof are whole number values. Since this almost never happens when actual measurements are taken of spirits this table is truly a Special Case table only. To find true corrected proof to 60° for intermediate temperatures and intermediate proofs one must us the § 30.23 procedures which are outlined in the Gauging Manual in §186.23. One must look up the next higher and lower temps and higher and lower proofs in Table 1; then measure the differences then add and subtract them in the righ order in order to arrive at an properly corrected proof. This extended and math/lookup intensive procedure is run by ABS Alcohol Blending Software each time a calculation is made as required by the regulations.