Moonshine is a clear corn whiskey that is distilled from fermented corn mash. The fresh corn whiskey is Moonshine and is consumed without aging. Moonshine has a reputation far and wide as a clean, clear and potent liquor. West Virginia Moonshine is particularly renowned for its crisp, clear, taste. In 1999 Payton Fireman started West Virginia's first distilled spirits plant with license, WV-DRB-1. It’s signature product, Mountain Moonshine®, was the first licensed commercial moonshine to be made and sold in West Virginia. Until then, moonshine had been hard to find; all of it was distilled in the back woods, away from the prying eyes of tax revenue officers out to stop the illegal business of non-tax paid whiskey.
Now, moonshine is a very popular product and many brands are available but the original recipe of Mountain Moonshine® is continuing to be produced in its original home of Morgantown, West Virginia, by the Forks of Cheat Distillery. It is available statewide and regionally and is still winning awards for its judged quality.